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Presenting And Visual Information

Business presentations for staff managers at all levels / tiers in a medium and large scale enterprises are common. Both in relation to the issue of marketing, finance, personnel, production, and information technology.
A. Purpose Business Presentations
Business presentations can be an integral part of every business activity preformance. A speaker who did a presentation in front of an audience must have specific goals to be achieved. To implement the above will require mental preparedness and understanding of the material to be conveyed, the tools used as well as a good understanding of the audience.
Each presentation made has a purpose of its own, depending on the circumstances and the purpose of the presentation does. In general, the purpose of a business presentation include:
1. Inform business messages to the audience
Yng business messages delivered should be interesting, simple, easy to understand, and easy listening by the audience. Things to avoid are doing presentations that are dull, monotonous, vague and elusive language use.
2. Entertain the audience
In addition to providing information, business presentation also aims to entertain the audience. In the art that in order to achieve the goal of business presentations, one speaker needs to tuck fresh humor, which is able to liven things up. Nevertheless, the atmosphere sebenarnay needs are maintained out of control and the actual presentation objectives are not achieved. A speaker who is an expert and experienced would know when he had a serious effect in his presentation, and when he had to insert a little humor to make the audience more fresh and not get bored.
3. Touching emotions audience
In addition to the core of the charge delivered presentations, and be able to entertain the audience, prensentasi should also be able to touch the emotions and feelings of the audience to understand the material or the content of the presentation. it takes a special skill in its delivery. Usually when giving a presentation speaker combines the ability of expression, tone of voice, posture so as to make the audience get swept up in understanding.
4. Motivate your audience to act something
In motivating the audience, a speaker needs to be stated explicitly and not use language preamble. that is to say what you want the speaker to be firmly and clearly covered in the presentation.

B. Informative presentations
The presentation is a way to deliver information that is owned by a speaker to the audience. Usually the information submitted has its own charge. In general presentation in which there is information delivery has implementations include:
1. The presentation aimed to provide information
2. Presentation of descriptive aimed submit a description or translation
3. The presentation aimed at conveying the definition.
The success of the presentation is also supported by four sorts of other factors, namely:
1. Paralaguage
Way speakers deliver the message, including the speaking rate, pitch, volume and articulation of words.
2. Body language
Often referred to as non-verbal communication, body and certain parts of the body can be used as a tool to support the effectiveness of the presentation. Part of the body that can help the effectiveness of the presentation, especially the face, eyes, hands and body position during the presentation.
3. Conditions presentation room
Spatial and presentation room conditions can help or hinder the effectiveness of the presentation. The rooms were the extent commensurate with the number of the audience feel comfortable with the speaker and the audience.
4. Other factors
Included in the other factors that can affect the success of the presentation is the appearance of the speaker and the clothing worn.

C. Use of Visual Aid
In the formal business presentations, speakers require a visual aid. Some of the benefits of the use of visual aid is
· Can simplify complex material that is easy to understand the audience
· Visual aids can help, both the speakers and the audience to remember important information from the presentation.
· Intended to add or create attraction presentation. After discusses some of the material, the speaker then showed a visual aid that has been prepared so that the presentation does not feel monotonous.
In the use of visual aids there are various things that need to be noticed one of them, namely:
a. Develop Visual Aid
In the presentation, the speaker can use two types of visual aid, namely:
· Visual aid the natural form of writing (text visual aid).
In general, a visual aid in the form of writing used to indicate a conclusion presentation or to indicate the line of presentation.
· Visual aid in the form of graphs (graphic visual aid)
Visuals include visual aid charts include line graphs, pie charts, bar charts, organization charts, and diagrams of the map. The use of each visual aid in the form of graphs tailored to their needs.
To compile a visual aid that can really help the presentation to obtain the benefits mentioned above tdaklah easy. Therefore, the preparation needs to be done carefully. Visual aid should be simple. The purpose of the simple visual aid is to be easily understood by the audience.
b. Choosing Media Visual Aid
Once you understand the two forms of visual aid, namely writing and graphics, next is to choose a medium to deliver it in a presentation. Media that can be used to convey the visual aid of the simplest available as a handout to the modern, namely computer. The following will discuss each briefly media.
· Handout
Handout visual aid is the most simple and easy to manufacture so widely used. Media handout allows the speaker to prepare, either written or graphic visual aid into the post and then duplicated and distributed to the audience (usually before the presentation starts). Handout contained a summary of presentation materials, conclusions, and graphs that help understanding the audience.
· The blackboard and whiteboard
Chalkboard da whiteboard is a visual medium that is simple and practical aid. In a presentation that was attended not too many people, the media blackboard and whiteboard can be used. However, for presentation to the audience a lot, of course, was not effective use of media. Examples of media presentation with blackboard and whiteboard is a presentation made by the Marketing Manager on ways memasrkan new product to its staff.

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