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Good Bye Fifth Semester

Yeay New Year, welcome to 2017 !!!
This year numbness be a busy year, two weeks Task Research must be finished and the next month should undergo a final test.
Yapp! Will know what is undertaken in this year somehow I felt heavy, already the fifth semester and I feel it will never end. The days on campus, at the boarding house, in the town of Depok droop different from the others could meet the parents and family the day and chat with neighbors and friends in housing. Loneliness, that's what I feel now, three years here and have not got a friend.
Okay enough to brass tacks, the post this time I will be a little split ideals fore the same things that have to be made each end of the semester. Never stop hoping in order to graduate on time next year and get a decent job with a salary that is more than enough to be able to buy a house before marriage and invite parents umra, formal hahaha huh?
More than that in my mind may appear big dreams can be realized, so sealin writer and can follow the program "Indonesia Teaching", embossed business idea in my brain. My passion in the field of healthy food, cooking and gardening organic fruits and vegetables, my dream has restaurant healthy food affordable for the people of Indonesia to obtain better nutrition, food without pesticides that can be booked via smartphone and comes to homes, schools or offices for serving breakfast or lunch and a healthy dinner.
Changing agricultural land in Subang district filled with gardens pesticide kale, spinach, dragon fruit, wheat, potatoes, and an organic cattle farm. Make farmers richer and healthier for himself.
Yapp! That's a piece of my ideals that formed earlier this year, may be achieved.
Already the end of the fifth semester, may we succeed in college years, see you in the next semester: *

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